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The Black UU Survival Guide: How to Survive as a Black Unitarian Universalist and How Allies Can Keep It 100

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Xolani Kacela
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FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTSAre you tired of explaining yourself to White UUs? Do you feel constantly challenged when you show up at the UU? Does it feel odd that you can't figure out what's going on half-of-the-time and no one has volunteered to show you? This book is a game-changer just for you!You'll learn about UU history, UU church politics, how to conduct yourself in UU meetings, and how to control conflict that spontaneously erupts when you show up.The book is full of resources: information about FREE stuff, how to get scholarships to conferences, learn where your people are, and how to answer your call to UU ministry.FOR WHITE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTSIf you are a good UU, you are asking yourself, "How do we get more Blacks to show up on Sunday?" You're trying to figure out what Black people need in order to come to our church. You are asking the right questions. This book has the answers you're looking for.This book shows you how to keep it 100. What does that mean?!Keeping it 100 means showing up as your most authentic self, and, letting Black UUs show up as their authentic selves, too. Learn how to live and let live in the UU church.There's a chance that you don't understand what Black people need. This book has the pearls of wisdom you've been looking for.Conflict with Blacks in UU ChurchesDo you wonder, "Why don't I speak up when I see a White UU attacking a Black UU?" Read this small book and learn how you can break that habit quickly.The book also shows you how to stop fighting Blacks in church meetings and at coffee hours. You'll learn how to be with Black people, not just talk at them.Have you ever said to yourself secretly, "Why don't I like Black people?" or "I'm scared to let Black people join my church." Don't be ashamed of your thoughts. You're keeping it 100 with yourself. This book helps you keep it 100 with real people so you can get over your deepest fears.The book shows you how to be an ally to Black UUs and other people of color. Don't miss out.Having discovered all the above, you'll grow spiritually!

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