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Children and Sustainable Development

Ecological Education in a Globalized World
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Antonio M. Battro
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This book addresses the changes in education practices, especially basic education, necessitated by the global challenges of climate change and sustainable development and in a context characterized by increasing poverty and inequality, migration and refugees.
Part 1: Environment, Climate and Education.- Chapter 1.Educating Children to Bend the Curve: For a Stable Climate, Sustainable Nature and Sustainable Humanity.- Chapter 2. Children as Agents of Change for Sustainable Development.- Chapter 3. Notes on Child Labor and Education: A Personal Statement.- Chapter 4. Scholas Citizenship.- Chapter 5.Learning, Literacy and Sustainable Development: Inclusion, Vulnerability, and the SDGs.- Chapter 6. Educating Students to Sustainability: The Experience of "La main à la pâte".- Chapter 7.Evidence Based Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2016-2030.- Chapter 8. The Sustainable Planet: Towards an Education for Sustainability.- Part 2: How Could Education Evolve in a Diversity of Conteexts?.- Chapter 9. Structures, Processes and Agents of Educational Changes.- Chapter 10. Low Attainers in a Global Knowledge Economy.- Chapter 11. Unequal World, Unequal Education.- Chapter 12. Fe y Alegría and the Educational Challenges and Opportunities of Our World.- Chapter 13. A Bright Star for Every Child Education in Rural China.- Chapter 14. AmritaRITE: A Holistic Model for Inclusive Education in Rural India.- Chapter 15. The Assumpta Science Center Ofekata - Owerri (ASCO).- Part: 3.Children, Students and Teachers.- Chapter 16.- Formative Childhood from a Neurobiological Perspective etc.

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