Nicht lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I

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360 g
229x152x14 mm

Have you ever felt rejected, let down, beat up, or lost? I have been there too! What did you do during those moments? Through reading My Steps, My Stumbles, and My Stops Are Ordered by the Lord, my hopes are that you will gain strength, confidence, self-love, and obedience to God's will. I want you to take this journey with me as you witness my steps, my stumbles, my stops, and how I was guided by God to overcome the trials I encountered in various seasons of my life.Over the years, starting with my birth, I have experienced so much rejection and pain that it has caused me to put an invisible wall up to handle rejection.Over the years, I have learned through reading Psalms 37:23-25 that nothing can happen in life without God's permission. Through rejection and hurt, God has a way of elevating your life to new levels, so always remember that whatever God brings to you, He will see you through. He doesn't waste our pain! When walking close with God, the pain takes the spiritual weakness out of your body.

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