
Project Management for Developers and DevOps Teams
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Bernd Öggl
856 g
253x173x25 mm
Rheinwerk Computing

Get started with Git-today! Walk through installation and explore the variety of development environments available. Understand the concepts that underpin Git's workflows, from branching to commits, and see how to use major platforms, like GitHub. Learn the ins and outs of working with Git for day-to-day development. Get your versioning under control!
Learn to use GitHub, GitLab, and alternative Git platforms
... Preface ... 19... The Story of Git ... 19... Everyone Uses It, but No One Understands It ... 20... About This Book ... 20... A Note to Readers ... 221 ... Git in Ten Minutes ... 231.1 ... What Is Git? ... 231.2 ... Downloading Software from GitHub ... 251.3 ... Learning to Program with Git Support ... 272 ... Learning by Doing ... 312.1 ... Installing the git Command ... 312.2 ... Setting Up a GitHub Account and Repositories ... 382.3 ... Using the git Command ... 432.4 ... Authentication ... 562.5 ... Learning Git in a Playful Way (Githug) ... 662.6 ... IDEs and Editors ... 682.7 ... Contributing to a Third-Party GitHub Project ... 762.8 ... Synchronization and Backups ... 783 ... Basic Principles of Git ... 813.1 ... Terminology ... 813.2 ... The Git Database ... 853.3 ... Commits ... 893.4 ... Commit-Undo ... 963.5 ... Branches ... 1043.6 ... Merging ... 1103.7 ... Stashing ... 1173.8 ... Remote Repositories ... 1183.9 ... Resolving Merge Conflicts ... 1293.10 ... Rebasing ... 1353.11 ... Tags ... 1413.12 ... References to Commits ... 1453.13 ... Internal Details of Git ... 1504 ... Data Analysis in the Git Repository ... 1534.1 ... Searching Commits (git log) ... 1534.2 ... Searching Files ... 1634.3 ... Searching for Errors (git bisect) ... 1694.4 ... Statistics and Visualization ... 1705 ... GitHub ... 1755.1 ... Pull Requests ... 1765.2 ... Actions ... 1805.3 ... Package Manager (GitHub Packages) ... 1885.4 ... Automatic Security Scans ... 1935.5 ... Other GitHub Features ... 1975.6 ... GitHub Command-Line Interface ... 2025.7 ... Codespaces ... 2066 ... GitLab ... 2096.1 ... On-Premise versus Cloud ... 2106.2 ... Installation ... 2116.3 ... The First Project ... 2186.4 ... Pipelines ... 2206.5 ... Merge Requests ... 2296.6 ... Web IDE ... 2326.7 ... Gitpod ... 2337 ... Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitolite ... 2377.1 ... Azure DevOps ... 2377.2 ... Bitbucket ... 2427.3 ... Gitea ... 2447.4 ... Gitolite ... 2558 ... Workflows ... 2598.1 ... Instructions for the Team ... 2598.2 ... Solo Development ... 2608.3 ... Feature Branches for Teams ... 2628.4 ... Merge/Pull Requests ... 2698.5 ... Long-Running Branches: Gitflow ... 2728.6 ... Trunk-Based Development ... 2778.7 ... Which Workflow Is the Right One? ... 2809 ... Working Techniques ... 2839.1 ... Hooks ... 2839.2 ... Concise Commit Messages ... 2889.3 ... Submodules and Subtrees ... 2959.4 ... Bash and Zsh ... 3059.5 ... Two-Factor Authentication ... 30710 ... Git in Real Life ... 31310.1 ... Etckeeper ... 31310.2 ... Managing Dotfiles with Git ... 31610.3 ... Accessing Apache Subversion (git-svn) ... 32310.4 ... Migrating from Apache Subversion to Git ... 32710.5 ... Blog with Git and Hugo ... 33111 ... Git Problems and Their Solutions ... 34311.1 ... Git Error Messages (Root Cause and Solution) ... 34311.2 ... Saving Empty Directories ... 35011.3 ... Merge for a Single File ... 35011.4 ... Deleting Files Permanently from Git ... 35111.5 ... Splitting a Project ... 35911.6 ... Moving Commits to a Different Branch ... 35912 ... Command Reference ... 36312.1 ... The git Command ... 36312.2 ... Revision Syntax ... 39212.3 ... git Configuration ... 393... The Authors ... 399... Index ... 401

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