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The Girl with the Red Ribbon

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Linda Finlay
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eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

Is the legacy of her mother's love enough to survive alone?At just eight years old, Rowan is devastated when her mother dies. And when years later her father remarries a scheming woman who makes it clear she doesn't see Rowan as part of her new family, she finds herself facing a desolate future at the local asylum. Yet Rowan refuses to give up hope. With her mother's cherished red ribbon tied around her wrist, she draws on the strength of her spirit to plot a daring escape to a nearby town. It is here that Rowan finds work as an apprentice to a bonnet and dressmaker, discovering a natural talent for colour and detail that brings success beyond her wildest dreams. But the greatest reward of all is the blossoming of a romance.But Rowan's past still casts a shadow over her happiness. Torn between her new life and the family she longs for, will she ever find a place to call home?The AuthorAs an image consultant, Linda has always had an avid interest in people. Linda's writing has been published in a number of magazines and annuals. Moving to the spectacular Devon coast and learning about its local history inspired her novels set in the area.

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