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Laos: Beyond the Revolution

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Joseph J. Zasloff
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This work contains papers presented at a conference called "Current Developments in Laos" in Washington DC in 1988. The topics covered range from Lao nationalism and American policy, 1954-1959, to Laotian refugees in Thailand.
Part 1 Politics: political constraints in development in Laos, Joseph J.Zasloff; communists in coalition government - lessons from Laos, MacAlister Brown. Part 2 Economics: the economy of Laos - an overview; planning problems in peripheral socialism - the case of Laos, Grant Evans. Part 3 Society: after the revolution - ethnic minorities and the new Lao State, Wendy Batson; social development in the Lao People's Republic - problems and prospects, Ng Shui Meng. Part 4 External relations: foreign policy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Martin Stuart Fox; relations between Laos and Thailand 1988, Ambassador Saly Khamsy, Lao People's Democratic Republic; a comment on the LPDR statement, Counselor Pradap Pibulsonggram, Embassy of Thailand; Laotian refugees in Thailand - the Thai and US response, 1975 to 1988, W.Courtland Robinson. Part 5 US policy toward Laos in historical perspective: Lao nationalism and American policy, 1954-1959, Arthur J.Dommen; US and Laos - 1962-1965, Leonard Unger; the Chinese road in Northwest Laos, 1961-1973 - an American perspective, G.McMurthie Godley and Jinny St Goar; US - Laos relations, 1988, David Floyd Lambertson. Appendices: State Department report to Congress regarding narcotics, special report - Laos; State Department report to Congress regarding narcotics - Laos, 1988, prepared by the Bureau of International narcotics matters, Department of State; human rights in Laos, 1988 - report to Congress prepared by the Department of State; Amnesty International report, 1987 - Laos.

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