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Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sharlene Swartz
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In an increasingly youthful world, this book offers international comparative perspectives on the construction of the young citizen and the conditions under which the state, the community or religious movements intervene to shape the educational system and its forms of citizenship education.
1. Youth citizenship and the politics of belonging: introducing contexts, voices, imaginaries Madeleine Arnot and Sharlene Swartz 2. Vulnerability and the neo-liberal youth citizen: a view from Australia Julie McLeod 3. Ikasi style and the quiet violence of dreams: a critique of youth belonging in post-Apartheid South Africa Sharlene Swartz, James Hamilton Harding and Ariane De Lannoy 4. 'Children of the street': sexual citizenship and the unprotected lives of Ghanaian street youth Georgina Yaa Oduro 5. The 'German children' of Mozambique: long-term legacies of a socialist educational experiment Tanja R. Müller 6. Performing the 'Knights of Change': male youth narratives and practices of citizenship in Jordanian schools Roozbeh Shirazi 7. Gendered constructions of citizenship: young Kenyans' negotiations of rights discourses Madeleine Arnot, Fatuma N. Chege and Violet Wawire 8. Education for global citizenship in a divided society? Young people's views and experiences Ulrike Niens and Jacqueline Reilly 9. Learning the nation in exile: constructing youth identities, belonging and 'citizenship' in Palestinian refugee camps in south Lebanon Kathleen Fincham

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