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Young People, Class and Place

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Robert Macdonald
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The book provides an up-to-date and critical investigation of the significance of social class and place in young people's lives, written by international expert researchers.
1. Young people, class and place Tracy Shildrick, Shane Blackman and Robert MacDonald 2. Constructions of the working-class 'Other' among urban, white, middle-class youth: 'chavs', subculture and the valuing of education Sumi Hollingworth and Katya Williams 3. Who needs enemies with friends like these? The importance of place for young people living in known gang areas Robert Ralphs, Juanjo Medina and Judith Aldridge 4. 'Nightscapes and leisure spaces': an ethnographic study of young people's use of free space Cara Robinson 5. Grafting, going to college and working on road: youth transitions and cultures in an East London neighbourhood Anthony Gunter and Paul Watt 6. From 'inheritance' to individualization: disembedding working-class youth transitions in post-Soviet Russia Charlie Walker 7. Steps and stages: rethinking transitions in youth and place Tom Hall, Amanda Coffey and Brett Lashua 8. (Re)constituting the past, (re)branding the present and (re)imagining the future: women's spatial negotiation of gender and class Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison 9. New class divisions in the new market economies: evidence from the careers of young adults in post-Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Ken Roberts and Gary Pollock

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