Governing Higher Education Today

International Perspectives
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Tony Strike
431 g
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Governing Higher Education Today provides an analysis of the longer-term dynamics and policy trends in a world market for higher education, and the emerging national responses which are likely to shape institutional governance in the next decade.
Editors; List of Contributors; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction: Located Voices; Part I: Different Voices; Chapter 1: The role and perspective of a UK Chair of the Governing Body; Chapter 2: The University Secretary: at the heart of governance; Chapter 3: Higher Education Governance and Policy on trial; Part II: Global Perspectives; Chapter 4: Changing Governance Models in North American Higher Education; Chapter 5: Shaping European Universities: A perspective from the Netherlands; Chapter 6: Diverging Governance Models in a devolved system: case studies from Scotland and Wales; Chapter 7: Changing University Governance in South Africa; Chapter 8: Changing Governance Models in Australian Universities; Chapter 9: Can there be a universal framework of Good Governance; Part III: The English Experiment; Chapter 10: How current trends in UK Corporate Governance might influence future higher education governance and policy; Chapter 11: The legal framework for University governance in England: how to understand, comply and build on it; Chapter 12: The development and purpose of Corporate Governance Codes; Chapter 13: Regulating Higher Education markets: the English policy experiment as a case study; Part IV: Elements of Governance; Chapter 14: Public Good(s), Public Benefit and the Public Interest: A Critical Examination of Three Public Purposes of English Universities; Chapter 15: Effectiveness and Effectiveness Reviews; Chapter 16: Assurance of academic standards and quality by and beyond the academy; Chapter 17: A focus on Performance and Risk: the light and shade of trust and accountability; Index

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