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Defining Visual Rhetorics

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Charles A. Hill
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In this distinctive collection, the editors examine the connection between visual images and persuasion, or how images act rhetorically upon viewers. Contributions to this volume consider a wide variety of sites of image production--from architectur
Contents: Preface. M. Helmers, C.A. Hill, Introduction. C.A. Hill, The Psychology of Rhetorical Images. J.A. Blair, The Rhetoric of Visual Arguments. M. Helmers, Framing the Fine Arts Through Rhetoric. M.D. Goggin, Visual Rhetoric in Pens of Steel and Inks of Silk: Challenging the Great Visual/Verbal Divide. D. Blakesley, Defining Film Rhetoric: The Case of Hitchcock's Vertigo.J.C. Strachan, K.E. Kendall, Political Candidates' Convention Films: Finding the Perfect Image--An Overview of Political Image Making. D.S. Hope, Gendered Environments: Gender and the Natural World in the Rhetoric of Advertising. J.L. Edwards, Echoes of Camelot: How Images Construct Cultural Memory Through Rhetorical Framing. C.A. Finnegan, Doing Rhetorical History of the Visual: The Photograph and the Archive. C. Kostelnick, Melting-Pot Ideology, Modernist Aesthetics, and the Emergence of Graphical Conventions: The Statistical Atlases of the United States, 1874-1925. C. Stroupe, The Rhetoric of Irritation: Inappropriateness as Visual/Literate Practice. G. Dickinson, C.M. Maugh, Placing Visual Rhetoric: Finding Material Comfort in Wild Oats Market. A.K. Tange, Envisioning Domesticity, Locating Identity: Constructing the Victorian Middle Class Through Images of Home. S.K. Foss, Framing the Study of Visual Rhetoric: Toward a Transformation of Rhetorical Theory.

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