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Assessment in Higher Education

Issues of Access, Quality, Student Development and Public Policy
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Samuel J. Messick
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This timely volume discusses higher education problems and practice. It addresses cutting-edge issues such as equity of access and fairness in assessment, politics of accountability, as well as concerns for student dev. and improved college teaching.
Contents: Part I:Prelude. S. Messick,The Changing Face of Higher Education Assessment. The Changing Face of Higher Education Assessment. Part II:Enhancing Student Access and Success in Higher Education.A.W. Chickering, Personal Qualities and Human Development in Higher Education: Assessment in the Service of Educational Goals. K.P. Cross, Assessment to Improve College Instruction. M. Keeton, Assessing and Credentialing Learning From Prior Experience. W.J. McKeachie, Feedback and Reflection in Facilitating Further Learning. Sister J. Read, Characteristics of Assessment in Support of Student Access and Success. Part III:Expanding Admissions Testing.R.L. Linn, Implications of Standards-Based Education Reform for Admissions Testing. H.H. Breland, From 2 to 3 Rs: *The Expanding Use of Writing in Admissions. H.T. Everson, A Theory-Based Framework for Future College Admissions Tests. R.E. Snow, Commentary. Expanding the Breadth and Depth of Admissions Testing. F.A. Hargadon, Interpreting Scores in Context to Identify Student Potential. Part IV:Politics and Public Policy of Higher Education Assessment.P.T. Ewell, Assessment of Higher Eduction Quality: Promise and Politics. A.W. Astin, Assessment, Student Development, and Public Policy. Part V:Issues of Equity and Fairness in Higher Education Assessment.R.E. Bennett, Computer-Based Testing for Examinees With Disabilities: On the Road to Generalized Accommodation. R.P. Durán, Directions in the Assessment of Linguistic Minorities. E. Gordon, Human Diversity and Equitable Assessment. W.W. Willingham, A Systemic View of Test Fairness. Part VI:Prospects.S. Messick, Technology and the Future of Higher Education Assessment.

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