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The Hélène Cixous Reader

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Susan Sellers
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This is the first truly representative selection of texts by Helene Cixous. The substantial pieces range broadly across her entire oeuvre, and include essays, works of fiction, lectures and drama. Arranged helpfully in chronological order, the extracts span twenty years of intellectual thought and demonstrate clearly the development of one of the most creative and brilliant minds of the twentieth century. Susan Sellers' introductions to each piece will be especially helpful to readers new to the writings of Cixous. With a foreward by Jacques Derrida, a preface by Cixous herself, and first-rate editorial material by Sellers, "The Helene Cixous Reader" is destined to become a key text of feminist writing.
Foreword by Jacques Derrida, Introduction by Susan Sellers, Preface by Helene Cixous, Neutral: Difficulties of Translating Cixous Into English, Inside, First Names of No One, The Newly Born Woman, Breaths, La, Angst, To Live The Orange, (With) Or the Art of Innocence, Lemonade Everything Was So Infinite, The Book of Promethea, Extreme Fidelity, The Terrible But Unfinished Story of Norodom Sihanouk King of Cambodia, The Place of Crime, The Place of Forgiveness, Indiada Or the India of Their Dreams, Manna to Mandelstams to the Mandelas, Firstdays Of the Year, Deluge, Three Steps On the Ladder of Writing, Afterword by Mirielle Calle-Gruber, Select Bibliography

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