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Novel Ecosystems

Intervening in the New Ecological World Order
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Richard J. Hobbs
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2 - DRM Adobe

Land conversion, climate change and species invasions arecontributing to the widespread emergence of novel ecosystems, whichdemand a shift in how we think about traditional approaches toconservation, restoration and environmental management. They arenovel because they exist without historical precedents and areself-sustaining. Traditional approaches emphasizing native speciesand historical continuity are challenged by novel ecosystems thatdeliver critical ecosystems services or are simply immune topractical restorative efforts. Some fear that, by raising the issueof novel ecosystems, we are simply paving the way for a morelaissez-faire attitude to conservation and restoration.Regardless of the range of views and perceptions about novelecosystems, their existence is becoming ever more obvious andprevalent in today's rapidly changing world. In this firstcomprehensive volume to look at the ecological, social, culturalethical and policy dimensions of novel ecosystems, the authorsargue these altered systems are overdue for careful analysis andthat we need to figure out how to intervene in them responsibly.This book brings together researchers from a range of disciplinestogether with practitioners and policy makers to explore thequestions surrounding novel ecosystems. It includes chapters on keyconcepts and methodologies for deciding when and how to intervenein systems, as well as a rich collection of case studies andperspective pieces. It will be a valuable resource for researchersmanagers and policy makers interested in the question of howhumanity manages and restores ecosystems in a rapidly changingworld.A companion website with additional resources is available at href="">

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