Minding My Own HeartSpace_Hard Cover

 HC gerader Rücken mit Schutzumschlag

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HC gerader Rücken mit Schutzumschlag
Lea J Thompson
335 g
235x157x10 mm

This 30-Day Heartspace Devotional Journal is a spiritual journaling experience to help you heal your heart, mind, and soul so you can fulfill your soul's purpose.
It's time to reflect on what matters most to you, release what's holding you back, and realign with the purpose and gifts you were created with so you can truly walk on the path you desire.

If you are ready to journey on the road to reclaim who you were designed to be, live at your highest potential, and discover a life full of the purpose God has prepared for you, this book is the inspiration you need.


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"There is so much reflection, healing, self-love, and even empowerment that will take place in this journal. I cried. I felt seen. But I also felt a release of everything I had been holding on to. Wow!

My only recommendation is for someone to really see this through. Sometimes people like to take breaks and forget, then come back to it. They will really get the revelations, releases, and restorations they need if they commit and do the 30 days all the way through. 30 days was worth it and my life will forever be changed because of it."

More About the Book:

Each day is filled with daily scripture, daily passage, daily prompt, and daily affirmation to help you let go (of what's no longer serving you), lock-in (to what your heart and soul are guiding you to do, and level up (to all God has called you to be).

Are you ready to stop playing it small and live full out as the woman you were created to be? If so, this devotional is for you!

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