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Peace and Security in the Western Balkans

A Local Perspective
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Nemanja Dzuverovic
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This book outlines the main security threats, actors and processes in the Western Balkans following the dissolution of Yugoslavia. Exploring the state of peace and security in the region it asks if a stable peace is achievable.
1.How to Study Peace and Security in the Western Balkans Part 1: Local level 2. Conflicting Peace in Post-War Serbia: Radicalization and Extremism as Security Threats 3.Building Sustainable Peace and Security in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Dancing in a Vicious Circle 4. Albania Moving from Security Receiver to Security Provider 5. A Bottom-Up Perspective on Peace and Security in North Macedonia: Turbulent Violent Past versus Turbulent Future? 6. Kosovo - The Achilles' Heel of the Balkan Security 7. Building Cohesive National Security and Stability: The Case of Montenegro Part 2: Regional level 8. Military Security and Conventional Arms Control in the Western Balkans 9. Political security in the Western Balkans: One Step Forward, Two Backwards 10. From Confrontation to Cooperation: Economic Security in the Western Balkans (Aleksandar MiloSevic) 11. From Reconstruction to Transition? Environmental Security in the Western Balkans Part 3: International Level 12. A Relay Race for Peace: The Approaches of the EU and the US to Bringing Stability and Democracy to the Western Balkans Region 13. Russia and China in the Western Balkans: The Spoiler Power and the Unexpected Power 14. Partners or Security Challengers? The Implications of the Presence of Turkey, the Gulf States, and Iran in the Western Balkans 15. Conclusion: Sustainable Peace in the Western Balkans - Utopia or Achievable Future?

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