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Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe

The Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport
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Ilse Hartmann-Tews
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This book explores and critically assesses the challenges and experiences of LGBTQ people within sport in Europe. It presents cutting-edge research data and insights from across the continent, with a focus on sport policy, sport systems, and issues around anti-discrimination and inclusion.
Introduction, Part I: Mapping the Field, 1. Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Approaches for Studying LGBTQ Experiences in Sport, 2. Experiences of LGBTQ Individuals in Sport in Europe: The Impact of Societal, Organisational and Individual Factors, 3. The European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation: Advocacy Work in Europe, Part II: Country Reports: Policy of Inclusion and Experiences of LGBTQ in Sport, 4. Masculinity, Homonegativity and Ignorance as Barriers to the Inclusion of LGBTQ People in Austrian Sports Cultures, 5. LGBTQ-Related Sports Policies and the Experiences of LGBTQ Individuals in Sports in France, 6. Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sports and Sports Inclusion Policies in Germany: Sport for All!?, 7. LGBTQ People and the Influence of Gender in Sports in Hungary, 8. Inclusion Policy and the Experiences of LGBTQ Athletes in Grassroots Sports in Italy, 9. Policies of Inclusion and the Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sports in the UK, 10. LGBTQ People in Physical Activity and Sport in Spain: Research, Sport Policy and Inclusion, Part III: Diversity Matters: Policy of Inclusion and Experiences of Gender and Sexual Minorities, 11. Sexual Diversity in the Eyes of Sports Managers: Are We Building Inclusive Physical Activity and Sport Contexts?, 12. Monitoring 'Inclusive Masculinity' in Sport in the Netherlands 2008-2021: No Problems with Gay Men, but No Gay Inclusive Cultures, 13. Lesbianism in Sport: The Heteronormative Challenge, 14. Gay Athletes at the 2017 World OutGames: A Qualitative Analysis, 15. Physical Activity and Sport Among Spanish Trans Persons: Participation Data and Personal and Sociocultural Factors, Conclusion

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