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Lives of Victorian Political Figures, Part IV Vol 1

John Stuart Mill, Thomas Hill Green, William Morris and Walter Bagehot by their Contemporaries
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Nancy Lopatin-Lummis
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First published in 2009, this is a collection of carefully selected extracts from biographies, memoirs, diaries, private letters and other ephemera reveal how these key nineteenth-century figures were viewed by their contemporaries. Volume 1 covers John Stuart Mill.
Volume 1 General Introduction John Stuart Mill I. Anne Romilly, 'Letter XXVII', in Romilly-Edgeworth Letters 1813- 1818, ed. Samuel Henry Romilly (excerpt) II. Thomas Moore, 'Ode to the Sublime Porte', Th e Times III. [ James Lorimer], 'Mr Mill on Representative Government', North British Review IV. W. D. Christie, 'Mr. John Stuart Mill for Westminster', Macmillan's Magazine V. George Fitzhugh, 'John Stuart Mill on Political Economy', DeBow's Review VI. William White, Illustrated Times VII. 'Mr Mill's Speech on Capital Punishment', Westminster Review VIII. Lord Dufferin, Mr. Mill's Plan for the Pacification of Ireland Examined IX. Frances Power Cobbe, 'Th e Subjection of Women', Theological Review X. [Margaret Oliphant], 'Mill on the Subjection of Women', Edinburgh Review XI. [Bonamy Price], 'Mr Mill on Land', Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine XII. [Abraham Hayward], 'John Stuart Mill', Th e Times XIII. W. T. Thornton, 'His Career at India House', in H. R. Fox Bourne (ed.), John Stuart Mill: Notices of His Life and Works XIV. Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 'His Influence as a Practical Politician', in H. R. Fox Bourne (ed.), John Stuart Mill: Notices of His Life and Works XV. John Morley, 'Th e Death of Mr. Mill', Fortnightly Review XVI. [Herbert Cowell], 'John Stuart Mill: An Autobiography', Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, XVII. [Henry Reeve], 'Autobiography of John Stuart Mill', Edinburgh Review XVIII. Frederic Harrison, 'John Stuart Mill', Nineteenth Century XIX. Charles W. Dilke, 'John Stuart Mill, 1869-1873', Cosmopolis: An International Review XX. George Jacob Holyoake, Bygones worth Remembering (excerpt) XXI. Thomas Hardy, 'A Glimpse of John Stuart Mill', The Times

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