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Statistical Methods for Food and Agriculture

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This classic book will meet the needs of food and agricultural industries in both their research and business needs. Learn the fundamentals of applying statistics to the business and research needs in the food and agricultural industries. Statistical Methods for Food and Agriculture is a practical, hands-on resource that explores how statistics, a relatively recent development for science and business, facilitates the decision-making process. The range of techniques and applications explained and demonstrated in each of the four major sections of this volume provides a substantial course of study for those in business, government, and universities dealing with food, agriculture, and economics.
PREFACE -- PART I INTRODUCTION -- 1 The Use of Statistics -- 2 Observations -- 3 Probability -- 4 Sampling from a Normal Distribution -- PART II STATISTICS IN RESEARCH -- 5 Comparisons Involving 2 Samples -- 6 Concepts of Experimental Design -- 7 Analysis of Variance I: The 1-Way ANOVA -- 8 Analysis of Variance II: The Multiway ANOVA -- 9 Factorial Experiments -- 10 Analysis of Covariance -- 11 Chi-square -- PART III STATISTICS IN BUSINESS AND RESEARCH -- 12 Linear Regression -- 13 Multiple Regression -- 14 Correlation Analysis -- 15 Nonparametric Tests -- PARTIV STATISTICS IN BUSINESS -- 16 Evolutionary Operations -- 17 Index Numbers -- 18 Time Series -- 19 Control Charts -- 20 Using Computers in Statistical Analysis -- APPENDIX -- INDEX.

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