Doucet, C: Urban Meltdown

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Eighty percent of the planet's greenhouse gases are created by energy-intensive urban centres. Thus, the key to creating climate change solutions resides with cities. This work describes how we got here, why we got here, and what can be done about it. It is suitable for those who care about thinking and acting differently and making a difference.
Global Cities and Horse and Buggy Nations; Neighbourhoods to Love; The Barbell Society and Just-in-Time Delivery; From Mont Tremblant to Ski Tremblant; Along Bayswater Street; Urban Villages; It aint Planning: Its Politics; Citizenship versus Faithship; The Mayor of Hiroshima and Intimations of God; The Idea of Progress and the First Nations; Biological and Social Phase Transitions; Cod, Government and the Transpiration Cycle; Care of the Soul/Care of the City/Care for the Planet; 19842004: Poets and Visions; Cape Breton Beaches and the Gulf of Mexico; The Rise of Cities and Decline of the Planet; 689 Spadina and Coming of Age in Toronto; The 1960s: A global paradigm shift that never happened and how the same pattern is repeating itself; The World Social Forum II and Trying to Change Things; The World Social Forum III and Failing to Change Things; Saving the World with Stephen Lewis?; The Bush Bubble Comes to Ottawa; Jean de La Fontaine; Cities, Climate Change and Politics as Usual; Index.

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