Sterilization of People with Mental Disabilities

Issues, Perspectives, and Cases
 HC gerader Rücken kaschiert

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HC gerader Rücken kaschiert
Greenwood Publishing Group
624 g
235x157x22 mm

Brantlinger discusses the current medical and legal trends in sterilization with special emphasis on people with disabilities. She explores the issues surrounding sterilization decisions from the perspectives of judges, lawyers, social workers, doctors, family planners, as well as the families and individuals themselves. Woven throughout the book are case studies of individuals ranging from mild to severe retardation.Brantlinger discusses the current medical and legal trends in sterilization with special emphasis on people with disabilities. She explores the issues surrounding sterilization decisions from the perspectives of judges, lawyers, social workers, doctors, family planners, as well as the families and individuals themselves.Woven throughout the book are case studies of individuals ranging from mild to severe retardation. She illustrates how ethical issues related to sterilization are framed and which moral values are called upon during decision-making. She ends with guidelines for decision-making. As the most comprehensive and up-to-date work on the subject, this book will be invaluable to professionals in the social services and mental health fields as well as researchers in law, special education, social work, and public health. Individuals confronting these concerns will find the volume instructive as well.
An examination of the medical and legal trends in sterilization with an emphasis on people with disabilities.
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionIssuesHistorical and Theoretical Overview of the Eugenics MovementLegal Systems that Affect SterilizationEthics of Health Care and ReproductionSexuality and ReproductionPerspectives of Families and ProfessionalsFamilies Roles Related to the MR MemberLives in Institutions, Lives in CommunitiesSexuality and Parenting among Individuals with Mild Mental RetardationProfessional Attitudes Toward the Sterilization of MR IndividualsSterilization CasesPeople with Mild Mental RetardationPeople with Moderate and Severe RetardationReferences

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