Adoption Policy and Special Needs Children

 HC gerader Rücken kaschiert

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HC gerader Rücken kaschiert
509 g
235x157x18 mm

This edited volume contains contributions from leading researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and advocates in adoption policy and practice. Topics covered include adoption advocacy, race and adoption, placement of older and disabled children, adoption disruption, adoptive parent recruitment, and policy related to federal adoption subsidy support.This collection brings together leading researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and advocates in the area of adoption policy and practice. All chapter contributors are nationally recognized leaders in their particular fields of expertise. Several have been instrumental in shaping public policy and legislation on behalf of special needs children and their families.Chapters cover the following topics: advocacy on behalf of special needs children, racial issues in the placement and adoption of special needs children, issues involved in the adoption of older and disabled children, adoption disruption, recruitment of adoptive parents for special needs children, and federal and state policy related to adoption subsidy support. The volume covers the key issues related to both practice and policy in child welfare. As such it is essential reading for professionals and policy makers in social/human services and child welfare. Scholars and other researchers in the field will also find the collection invaluable.
Foreword by Peter C. WinklerPrefaceAn Advocate's Perspective by Judith AndersonRacial Aspects of the Move to Adoption by Sherrie A. KossoudjiThe Adoption of Older Children by Elizabeth S. ColeDisabled Children and Adoption by Ann CoyneAdoption Disruption by Marianne BerryAdoption Recruitment Meeting the Needs of Waiting Children by Drenda S. Lakin and Linda WhitfieldVariations in State Adoption Assistance Laws by Alice BussiereFederal Financial Support of Special Needs Adoption by Rosemary J. Avery and Daniel M. MontThe Value of Special Needs Adoptions by Richard P. Barth

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