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Between Nostalgia and Apocalypse

Popular Music and the Staging of Brazil
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Daniel B. Sharp
Music / Culture
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Between Nostalgia and Apocalypse is a close-to-the-ground account of musicians and dancers from Arcoverde, Pernambuco-a small city in the northeastern Brazilian backlands. The book's focus on samba de coco families, marked as bearers of tradition, and the band Cordel do Fogo Encantado, marketed as pop iconoclasts, offers a revealing portrait of performers engaged in new forms of cultural preservation during a post-dictatorship period of democratization and neoliberal reform. Daniel B. Sharp explores how festivals, museums, television, and tourism steep musicians' performances in national-cultural nostalgia, which both provides musicians and dancers with opportunities for cultural entrepreneurship and hinders their efforts to be recognized as part of the Brazilian here-and-now. The book charts how Afro-Brazilian samba de coco became an unlikely emblem in an interior where European and indigenous mixture predominates. It also chronicles how Cordel do Fogo Encantado-drawing upon the sounds of samba de coco, ecstatic Afro-Brazilian religious music, and heavy metal-sought to make folklore dangerous by embodying an apocalyptic register often associated with northeastern Brazil. Publication of this book was supported by AMS 75 PAYS Endowment of the American Musicological Society, funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
IntroductionPART IStaging TraditionMuseumsNostalgia and ApocalypseTelevisionPART IIFestivalTourismElegyEpilogueNotesBibliographyIndex

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