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An exploration of a conceptual distinction between Calvin's theology as christocentric in a soteriological sense, and Barth's as christocentric in a principial sense.
Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Calvin, Barth, and Christocentrism; Introduction; 1. Christ and election; 1.1 A theological distinction; 2. Exegesis and election; 2.2 A hermeneutical distinction; 3. On comparing Calvin and Barth; 4. Plan of the present study; Chapter 2: Christology and Election; Introduction; 1. Jesus Christ as the Subject of Election; 1.1. Christ as author; 1.2. The trinitarian basis of election in Calvin; 1.3. Christ as electing God; 1.4. The trinitarian basis of election in Barth; 2. Jesus Christ as the Object of Election; 2.1. Christ as the Mediator of election itself; 2.2. Christ as the Mediator of salvation flowing from election; 2.3. Christ as elected man; Conclusion: Trinity and Election; Chapter 3: Community and Election; Introduction; 1. Calvin on Israel and the church; 2. Barth on the community; 3. Romans 9:1-23; 4. Romans 9:24-11:36; Conclusion: Covenant and Election; Chapter 4: Hermeneutics and Election; Introduction; 1. The hermeneutics of election in Calvin; 1.1. The location of Christology; 1.2. The location of election; 1.3. Christology and election; 1.4. Christology and revelation; 2. The hermeneutics of election in Barth; 2.1. Election and Epistemology; 2.2. Scripture as witness to revelation; 2.3. Jesus Christ: Scripture's object and content; 2.4. Mediatio: Scripture's parts and Scripture's whole; Conclusion: Revelation and Election; Conclusions; Bibliography.

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