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Tradition in Transition

Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 in the Trajectory of Hebrew Theology
 Ebook (PDF)
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Ebook (PDF)
Mark J. Boda
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Hebrew tradition presents Haggai and Zechariah as prophetic figures arising in the wake of the Babylonian exile with an agenda of restoration for the early Persian period community in Yehud. This agenda, however, was not original to these prophets, but rather drawn from the earlier traditions of Israel. In recent years there has been a flurry of scholarly attention on the relationship between these Persian period prophets and the earlier traditions with a view to the ways in which these prophets draw on earlier tradition in innovative ways. It is time to take stock of these many contributions and provide a venue for dialogue and evaluation.
1. Tradition, Continuity and Covenant in the Book of Haggai: An Alternative Voice from Early Persian Yehud - John Kessler2. Time and Tradition in the Book of Haggai - Frank Y. Patrick3. The King in Haggai-Zechariah 1-8 and the Book of the Twelve - Paul L. Redditt4. Life Writing in Ezekiel and First Zechariah - D. Nathan Phinney5. Zechariah's Spies and Ezekiel's Cherubim - Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer6. "The Whole Earth Remains at Peace" (Zechariah 1:11): The Problem and an Intertextual Clue - Al Wolters7. Sustained Allusion in Zechariah 1-2 - Michael R. Stead8. Hoy, Hoy: The Prophetic Origins of the Babylonian Tradition in Zechariah 2:10-17 - Mark J. Boda9. Zechariah and the Satan Tradition in the Hebrew Bible- Dominic Rudman10. Traces of Tradition in Zechariah 1-8: A Case-Study - Michael H. Floyd11. Sin and Atonement in Zechariah's Night Visions - Holger Delkurt12. An Ephah between Earth and Heaven: Reading Zechariah 5:5-11 - Johannes Schnocks13. Targum Jonathan's Reading of Zechariah 3: A Gateway for the Palace? - Marvin A. Sweeney14. The Greek Text of Zechariah: A Document From Maccabean Jerusalem? - Thomas Pola15. A Review - Willem A. M. Beuken16. Footprints to the Post-Exilic Prophets - Rex Mason17. Haggai-Zechariah 1-8: Some Reflections - David L. Petersen18. Response - Janet E. TollingtonBibliographyIndex of ReferencesIndex of Authors

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