Nicht lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I

18,00 €*

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229x161x29 mm

In this friendly introductory guide, food and wine writer Leslie Brenner tells how to: Pour and taste wine Develop a taste memory Order from a wine list Select a wine at the store Match food with wineIn addition, helpful sidebars illuminate such subjects as: How--and why--to swirl without sloshing Disarming a snotty waiter Ten great wines to bring to a dinner party Going beyond California Chardonnay Starting your own cellar for under $100Along the way, Lettie Teague's funny and informative cartoons enhance the text and make great devices for remembering the most important facts. Before long,your old standby, Chateau Screwtop, will be a distant memory. Accessible and concise, Fear of Wine will appeal to anyone who wants to know a little bit about a subject that can bring great pleasure. At last, a guide that is as fun to read as wine is to drink!

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