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Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Hongzhe Sun
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Arsenic, antimony and bismuth, three related elements of group 15,are all found in trace quantities in nature and have interestingbiological properties and uses. While arsenic is most well known asa poison - and indeed the contamination of groundwater by arsenicis becoming a major health problem in Asia - it also has uses forthe treatment of blood cancer and has long been used in traditionalchinese medicine. Antimony and bismuth compounds are used in theclinic for the treatment of parasitic and bacterial infections.Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth isan essential overview of the biological chemistry of these threeelements, with contributions from an international panel ofexperts. Topics covered include:* chemistry of As, Sb and Bi* biological chemistry of arsenic* biological chemistry of Sb and Bi* arsenic and antimony speciation in environmental and biologicalsamples* arsenic in traditional chinese medicine* arsenic in aquifers* biomethylation of As, Sb and Bi* uptake of metalloids by cells* bismuth complexes of porphyrins and their potential in medicalapplications* Helicobacter pylori and bismuth* metabolism of arsenic trioxide in blood of the acutepromyelocytic leukemia patients* anticancer properties of As, Sb and Bi* radio-Bi in cancer therapy* genotoxicity of As, Sb and Bi* metallomics as a new technique for As, Sb and Bi* metalloproteomics for As, Sb and BiBiological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuthconveys the essential aspects of the bioinorganic chemistry ofthese three elements, making this book a valuable complement tomore general bioinorganic chemistry texts and more specializedtopical reviews. It will find a place on the bookshelves ofpractitioners, researchers and students working in bioinorganicchemistry and medicinal chemistry.

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