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Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis

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Michael Harmata
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Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis provides a forum for investigators to discuss their approach to the science and art of organic synthesis. Rather than a simple presentation of data or a secondhand analysis, this classic provides stories that vividly demonstrate the power of the human endeavor known as organic synthesis and the creativity and tenacity of its practitioners.
Preface, Michael Harmata 1. Acortatarin A: Spiroketalization Methods and Synthesis, Barry B. Butler, Jr. and Aaron Aponick 2. Devising New Syntheses of the Alkaloid Galanthamine, a Potent and Clinically Deployed Inhibitor of Acetylcholine Esterase, Martin Banwell, Joshua Buckler, Colin J. Jackson, Ping Lan, Xinghua Ma, EliSka MatouSová and Jeremy Nugent 3. Discodermolide: Total Synthesis of Natural Product and Analogs, Jean-François Betzer 4. A Walk across Total Synthesis of Mycolactone Analogs - Mechanistic Implications in Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection, Nicolas Blanchard 5. Total Synthesis of the Fungal Metabolite Virgatolide B, Paul A. Hume, Daniel. P. Furkert and Margaret A. Brimble 6. The Role of Serendipity and Design in the Development of Oxidative Coupling Reactions, Brenton DeBoef 7. Overcoming Electronics with Strategy: Development of an Efficient Synthesis of a Novel Antiretroviral, BMS-663068, Ke Chen, Christina Risatti and Martin Eastgate 8. Synthesis of Alkaloids Containing a Quinolizidine Core by Means of Strategies Based on a Hydroformylation Reaction, Nicolas Girard 9. Total Synthesis of Sorbicillactone A: An Inspiration for Methodology and Catalyst Development, Kelly A. Volp and Andrew Harned 10. Total Synthesis of (-)-7-Deoxyloganin exploiting N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysis with a,ß-Unsaturated Enol Esters, Lisa Candish and David W. Lupton 11. The Realization of an Oxidative Dearomatization-Intramolecular Diels-Alder Route to Vinigrol, Cristian Draghici and Jon T. Njardarson 12. Total Synthesis of Communesin F and Perophoramidine, Dan Zhang, Hao Song and Yong Qin

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